657534 tc0 driver
657534 tc0 driver

657534 tc0 driver

These inspections are not designed nor intended to detect latent defects, or conditions that could only be found in connection with the physical dismantling of the equipment or the use of diagnostic tools or techniques. Please note that IronPlanet inspections are performed solely for the purpose of reporting the visible condition of the equipment's major systems and attachments on the day of the inspection and do not include load testing or digging/lifting. Following submission of a written dispute claim, IronPlanet will investigate the claim, re-inspecting the equipment item as necessary, and determine a fair and mutually beneficial resolution.

657534 tc0 driver

With IronClad Assurance®, if a buyer discovers that the item is not substantially in the condition as represented in this inspection report, the buyer may submit a written dispute claim to IronPlanet. Disputes: This item is offered with IronClad Assurance® protection.

657534 tc0 driver